The importance of Tarbiyah


By Imam Anwar Alawlaki


In one of the houses of Madinah, Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allaah be pleased with him), was sitting with a group of his companions. Umar Ibn Khattab (Radiyallahu Anhu) knew what was the most worthy and most valuable and wanted to give the Sahabah a lesson, so they were sitting in a room and he said:

“Taman-nau–make a wish”

One of the Sahabah said “I wish that… this room would be filled with gold, so I can spend it in the path of Allah”

And he said “Taman-nau–make a wish”

Another Sahabah said that “I wish that… this room would be filled with jewels and gems, so I can spend it in the path of Allah” He said make a wish (asked for the third time)

He said “O AmirulMu’minin, we don’t know what to say you want to fill this room with what?

Umar Ibn Khattab (Radiyallahu Anhu) said

“My wish is that Allah Aswajal fills this room with the men like Abu ‘Abu-Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarraah,

so that I can send them in Sabilillah”

“I wish this room filled with a man like Abu-Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarraah” and another narration “Abu-Ubaidah and Mu’aadh bin Jabal, so that I can send them to the path of Allah.

Umar Ibn Khattab (Radiyallahu Anhu) is telling us and telling them that your human resources are more important than your financial resources. They are more important than your bricks and moor. They are more important than everything that you have. It’s your human resources that’s count.

Rasulullah (SallallahuAlaihiwasallaum) when he passed away, he didn’t leave behind any glamorous buildings. The Masjid of Madinah was mud, the floor was sand, the roof was palm leaves, and drip rain on. And it will drip water on them when it rains.

Rasulullah (SallallahuAlaihiwasallaum), he did not pave any roads. He did not establish financial networks of business. He did not leave behind any books. All what Rasulullah (SallallahuAlaihiwasallaum) leave behind was Qur’an, and he left it behind not in Mushab not in books. But he left it behind engrave in the heart of Sahabah (RadiyallahuAnhum). That was the product Rasulullah (SallallahuAlaihiwasallaum) left behind. That was the effort of the Da’wah of Rasulullah (SallallahuAlaihiwasallaum), he left behind the Sahabah, and every blessings that we enjoy today is the result of that. The religion didn’t spread much in the time of Rasulullah (SallallahuAlaihiwasallaum). It spreads in the time of Abu Bukr and Umar (RadiyallahuAnhuma)

It spreads in the time of Khalifah of Banu Umaiyah and Banu’Abbas Rasulullah (SallallahuAlaihiwasallaum) has the Sahabah that he trained in Madinah or in Makkah were not many a hundred or hundred plus. These are the ones who start off with him in Makkah, but everyone these men, you could just throw them anywhere in this world and leave them

 Leave them alone, they’ve take care of the religion.

Umar ibn Al-Khattab, (may Allaah be pleased with him) is saying: I want such men like Abu Ubaidah and Mu’aadh bin Jabal (RadiyallahuAnhuma), so that I can send them out Fi Sabilillah.

So Tarbiyah is the most important thing. It’s more important than your buildings, more important than the institutions. The most important thing is the Tarbiyah and that is how Islam will carry on




โดย อิมาม อันวาร์ อัลเอาวะลากีย์


ณ บ้านหลังหนึ่งของเมืองมะดีนะฮฺ อุมัร อิบนุ อัลค็อฏฏ็อบ กำลังนั่งร่วมวงอยู่กับเหล่าเศาะหาบะฮฺ

อุมัรอิบนุค็อฏฏ็อบรู้ดีว่าอะไรเป็นสิ่งที่มีค่าและมีคุณค่ามากที่สุดและท่านก็ต้องการตักเตือนให้ข้อคิดแก่เหล่าเศาะหาบะฮฺ ดังนั้นขณะที่พวกเขากำลังนั่งอยู่ด้วยกันในห้องหนึ่ง แล้วท่านก็กล่าวขึ้นว่า

“ให้พวกท่าน จงแสดงความปรารถนา”


“ฉันอยากให้ห้องนี้เต็มไปด้วยทองคำ เพื่อว่าฉันสามารถที่จะใช้จ่ายมันไปในหนทางของอัลลอฮฺ”

ท่านก็กล่าวอีกว่า “ให้พวกท่าน จงแสดงความปรารถนา”


“ฉันอยากให้ห้องนี้เต็มไปด้วยอัญมณี (เพ็ชร พลอย ไข่มุก) เพื่อว่าฉันสามารถที่จะใช้จ่ายมันไปในหนทางของอัลลอฮฺ”

ให้พวกท่าน จงแสดงความปรารถนา (ท่านกล่าวขึ้นเป็นครั้งที่3) หนึ่งในเศาะหาบะฮฺถามขึ้นว่า

“โอ้ อมีรุลมุอฺมีนีน พวกเราไม่รู้ว่าจะตอบอย่างไรดี ว่าท่านต้องการให้ห้องนี้เต็มไปด้วยสิ่งใด?”


“สิ่งที่ฉันปรารถนาก็คือ อยากให้อัลลอฮฺประทานให้ห้องนี้เต็มไปด้วยบุคคลอย่างเช่น อบูอูบัยดะฮฺ อิบนฺ อัลญัรเราะฮฺ


“ฉันอยากให้ห้องนี้เต็มไปด้วยคนประเภท อบู อูบัยดะฮฺ อิบนฺ อัลญัจเราะฮฺ” และบางรายงานกล่าวว่า “อบู อูบัยดะฮฺ และ มุอาซ บินยะบัล เพื่อที่ว่าฉันจะได้ส่งพวกเขาไปในหนทางของอัลลอฮฺ”


ทรัพยากรบุคคลนั้นเป็นสิ่งที่สำคัญ สำคัญกว่าปัจจัยด้านการเงิน สำคัญกว่าวัตถุสิ่งก่อสร้าง พวกเขาสำคัญกว่าสิ่งใดๆที่มีทรัพยากรมนุษย์เป็นสิ่งสำคัญที่ไม่อาจประเมินค่าได้

ตอนที่เราะซูลุลลอฮฺ (ศ็อลลัลลอฮุอะลัยฮิวะสัลลัม) ได้เสียชีวิต ท่านไม่ได้ทิ้งพวกตึกรามบ้านช่องเอาไว้

มัศยิดนะบะวีย์ก็สร้างมาจากโคลนดิน ที่พื้นเป็นทรายและหลังคาปูด้วยใบของอินทผลัม เมื่อฝนตกและก็มีหยดน้ำไหลมาโดนพวกเขา ท่านเราะซูลุลลอฮฺ ไม่ได้ปูลาดถนนใดๆ ท่านไม่ได้สร้างธุรกิจสถาบันการเงิน

ท่านไม่ได้ทิ้งหนังสือใดๆไว้ สิ่งทั้งหมดที่ท่านเราะซูลุลลอฮฺ เหลือไว้ให้พวกเราคือ อัลกุรอ่านและสิ่งที่ท่านทิ้งเอาไว้เบื้องหลังไม่ใช่ในมัสหับไม่ใช่ในหนังสือ แต่สิ่งที่ท่านทิ้งเอาไว้เบื้องหลังนั้นคือสิ่งที่อยู่ในหัวใจของเศาะหาบะฮฺ


นั่นคือความพยายามในการดะอฺวะฮฺของท่านเราะซูลุลลอฮฺท่านทิ้งเอาไว้เบื้องหลังเศาะหาบะฮฺและความสุขทั้งหลายที่เราได้รับทุกวันนี้ ก็เป็นผลพวงมาจากมันศาสนายังไม่ได้แผ่ขยายมากในช่วงเวลาของท่านเราะซูลุลลอฮฺ มาแผ่ขยายมากขึ้นในยุคสมัยของเคาะลีฟะฮฺอาบูบักรและอุมัร มาแผ่ขยายมากขึ้นในยุคสมัยการนำของบนีอูมัยยะฮฺและบนีอับบาส

ท่านเราะซูลุลลอฮฺมีบรรดาเศาะฮาบะฮฺที่ท่านให้การตัรบียะฮฺในมะดีนะฮ์ หรือในมักกะฮฺเป็นจำนวนที่ไม่มาก ประมาณหนึ่งร้อยหรือร้อยกว่าๆ พวกเขาคือผู้ที่ได้เริ่มต้นเข้ารับอิสลามกับท่านเราะซูลุลลอฮฺในมักกะฮฺ พวกเขาคือบรรดาคนที่เราโยนเขาไปที่ไหนสักที่หนึ่งในโลกใบนี้ และทิ้งพวกเขาปล่อยพวกเขาไว้ตามลำพัง (ไม่ใส่ใจ) อันเป็นผู้ที่ปกปักรักษาไว้ซึ่งศาสนา

อุมัรอิบนุค็อฏฏ็อบกำลังจะบอกว่า “ฉันต้องการบุคคลที่เหมือนกับ อาบูอุบัยดะฮฺ และมุอาซบินยะบัล เผื่อที่ว่าฉันจะได้ส่งพวกเขาไปทำงานในหนทางของอัลลอฮฺ”

ดังนั้นการตัรบียะฮฺมีความสำคัญเหนือสิ่งอื่นใดมันมีความสำคัญมากกว่าการมีตึกรามบ้านช่องมีความสำคัญมากกว่าสถาบันใดๆ สิ่งสำคัญที่สุดคือการตัรบียะฮฺ และนั่นเป็นเหตุให้อิสลามสามารถดำเนินอยู่ได้ต่อไป


Published in: on February 3, 2013 at 2:06 pm  Leave a Comment  

The True Happiness

 Khutbah by Sheik Yasir Qadhi

الحمد لله – الحمد لله الذي خلق السماوات والأرض، و جعل الظلمات والنور ثم الذين كفروا هم بآياته يعدلون، لا يحصي عدد نعمه العادون، ولا يؤدي شكره المتحمدون، و لا يبلغ مدى عظمته الواصفون. بديع السماوات و الأرض، إذا قضى أمراً فإنما يقول له كن فيكون. و أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله، و أعتقد أن لا رب إلا إياه، شهادة من لا يغتاب في شهادته، و اعتقاد من لا يستنكف عن عبادته، و أشهد أن محمداً عبده الأمين و رسوله المبين، أرسله الله تعالى إلى الخلق أجمعين، بلسان عربي مبين، بلغ الرسالة، و أدى الأمانة، و نصع الأمة و كشف به الغمة، و جاهد في سبيل الله المشركين، و عبد ربه حتى أتاه اليقين. فصلى الله عليه و على آل بيته المطهرين، و على أصحابه المنتخبين و على من سار على نهجهم و سلك طريقهم إلى يوم الدين.

أما بعد،

My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, it is a common fact of existence that each and every living being, each and every breathing organism has but one ultimate goal. In each and every thing that it does – in its sleep and its wakeful state, in its movement and its rest, in its eating and drinking and socializing – in whatever action that any living organism does – animal or man, inse or jinn, Muslim or Non-Muslim, male or female – there is but one ultimate goal.

And that goal is to find an inner happiness. That goal is to be fulfilled, is to feel sakeena and tuma’neena, is to feel peaceful within themselves.

So, whatever every person does, that person believe that through this thing, “I will be happy. It will bring me comfort; it will bring me pleasure; it will bring me joy and peace.” This is what motivates every single living organism, every single being – this is what motivates it.

Now, the goal is one, and that is the goal to feel happy. But we find that the paths to find this happiness are different. We find that various people take different goals, different methods, different paths, different roads. And they all think that they will arrive at the same destination.

So we find that one group of people believes that happiness will be found through possessions, through money, through wealth, through owning the best houses and cars. And so, you find [that] this person, all that he does or she does is to figure out, “How can I get the most money? What degree should I get; what education, what university, which job, which firm, which company? How can I climb the corporate ladder?” Their entire life becomes achieving wealth, because of which they think they will become happy…

Another group of people think that happiness will be found through fame, through recognition. And so you find this group, all that they do [is], “What can make me famous? How can society recognize me?” So they become actors/actresses, go into music and singing. Or, if they’re into Arts and Sciences, they think of discovery: “What can I discover to make me famous, to win a Nobel Prize, or to win this award? When everybody knows who I am, that is when I will achieve happiness and satisfaction…”

Yet another group of people believes that happiness is found through satisfying one’s animal desires – sensual instincts. And so, you find this group of people turning to women and wine, to drugs and cheap luxuries. And they think that by numbing out their animal senses, by making sure each and every bestial desire inside of them is met, they will find happiness…

And most of us, most of us, sadly, believe that happiness is a combination of the above factors. A little bit of wealth, with a little bit of fame and a little bit of sensual desires.

This is how we find “happiness.”

But the reality is, when you look at the people who have spent their lives following these various paths, when you look at the people whom society considers have reached the upper echelons of wealth, of fame, of sensuality – the most evil people in terms of sensuality, the most richest people in terms of wealth, the most famous people in terms of recognition – the rest of society considers they have arrived –

If you were to interview this elite, if you were to get to know them and ask them, “You have spent your life hoarding this wealth, amassing fortunes, you’re on the Ford list of 100 richest people or 50 richest people; you’re one of the most influential people according to Times Magazine; you’re one of the most famous actors and actresses – everybody knows you; your pictures appear on the magazines; you fall, you sneeze, you laugh, it becomes a national news item; you enter the hospital, you come out of it, the whole world knows… Fine, let me ask: have you achieved… happiness?

“Sure, you’re rich, you’re famous, you’re wealthy, you’re the most evil in terms of sensuality, sure – [but] have you achieved this inner happiness? Because the rest of society looks up to you. The rest of society believes you have, they take you as their role models, they take you as their gods and goddesses that they have to worship. Each and every thing that you do becomes a religion for them, they follow your statistics, your marriages and divorces – you become their role model!

“But let me ask you: are you happy in your personal life? Have you achieved what the rest of the people think you have achieved?”

And if these people could be honest with you (and many of them have, if you read their interviews, and many of them are not – but if they could be honest with you), they would say, ALL of them, “Not yet…”

For many people, they very thing that they were desiring becomes a curse. For many people, the fame, the recognition, becomes a curse that they cannot get out of it, they cannot live normal lives anymore. They were the ones who didn’t want to live normal lives, they were the ones striving to get famous. Once they reach there, they regret it. They can’t enjoy a normal life anymore… and they have no one to blame but themselves.

When they become rich, their entire thinking, their entire day and night becomes worrying about the stock going up and down, my company floundering or getting more money, this transaction, that business, that deal going through. In other words, their time becomes locked up with that money, not with their family, not with the joys of life, not with the happiness.

So what if they wear a fancier suit and they drive a better car?! In their hearts they are more busier, they are more filthy. In their hearts they have nothing to enjoy that with, because their minds are always thinking about this money and how to get more and how to make sure it doesn’t go away. They become slaves to the money that they were worshipping besides Allah.

And the same goes for sensuality, and the same goes for satisfying your bestial desires. Ask anybody – anybody – and many of us, unfortunately, have fallen also into these types of sins, and so you know from your own self – do these desires bring about infinite happiness? Whatever they are, do they bring about genuine joy and sincerity? Do they bring about fulfillment, inner sakeena?

Or – or, is it like a poisoned sweet, that you enjoy something for a while. You enjoy something for a while, and then as soon as that enjoyment finishes, the outer layer dissolves, [and] what is left is bitter poison; what is left is that which rots the heart?

This is something we experience in our daily lives, when we commit a sin, whatever that sin might be. Sure we enjoy it, that’s why we committed the sin. Let us not fool ourselves and say there is no pleasure in sin. Of course there is pleasure in sin – that is why we commit sins; because we enjoy doing them. But let me ask you, when we finish that sin, even during, while committing that sin and as soon as we finish it: Do we feel proud? Do we feel good? Do we feel happy inside of ourselves?

On the contrary, we feel disgusted. We feel evil, we feel dirty – a type of dirtiness, you can take a thousand showers, it won’t wash away the dirt that you feel because it is an inner dirt. It is an inner garbage that you have put into yourself and your own system.

All of this shows us that the paths to happiness that mankind has chosen are not the ultimate paths to happiness. They are not. We don’t need Qur’an and Sunnah to prove this – life proves it. Life itself proves it to us. Of course, the Qur’an and Sunnah adds to this, but we don’t need to quote evidences, because human experience, human interaction, is enough of an evidence that the paths to happiness are not found in the ways that most of mankind are doing them.

So the question arises, if the paths to happiness are not as we have mentioned before, what, then, IS the path to happiness?

This goes back to a very interesting point, brothers and sisters. This goes back to a very profound point. And before I answer the question, “What is happiness and how do we get there?”, let us ask another question that will help us get to the answer of the final question. And this initial question is: “Who are we, and what are we made of?”

What are you composed of? You will respond: “I am composed of body and soul. Rooh [soul] and Jasad [body]. I have a body, this physical body, and I have an inner soul, a rooh, and the two put together form life as we know it.” The rooh and the jasad put together forms life as we know it.

So I ask you, “Ok, what is this body made of?” You will say: this body is made of earth, clay, tdeen – which is the earth around us – Allah fashioned this clay, and then blew life into it. So since the body is made of earth, in order to feed the body, we need to feed it with nutrients that come from the earth. The body is made from earth – how to feed the body? From nutrients made from this earth. Allah ‘azza wa jel caused plants to grow, animals eat the plants, water is stored in the soil, comes down from the skies and we find it in the lakes and rivers. So we eat and drink from the source of our body, and that is: the land around us.

You have taken care of your physical side. But you see, most people consider pleasure only to be composed of body. So they find pleasure through bodily experiences. They forget, what makes them really human is the rooh. What makes them above other beings, other creatures, is the intelligent rooh that Allah gave us. This intelligent rooh is what makes us above animals, it makes us above everything else.

Allah gave us a mind, a rooh, an active mind to think – and this rooh, where did it come from? Did it come from this earth? No? Allah says,

وَنَفَخْتُ فِيهِ مِن رُّوحِي

– [”…and I have breathed into him of My Spirit…” (15:29 and 38:720)] –

Allah ‘azza wa jel blew His rooh into Adam alayhi assalam. Now, when Allah says His ‘rooh’, it doesn’t mean – a’oothu billah – [that] there’s an element of divinity. Many Muslims misunderstand, and you have some groups saying we have – every one of us has – divinity inside of us – a’oothu billah. This is not the belief of Muslims. When Allah says “Our spirit,” Allah ‘azza wa jel is saying: We created and blew it into the people. Just like the house of Allah is a created house, just like the rasool of Allah is a created rasool…

Similarly, when Allah says, We blew from Our spirit into man, Allah created a rooh, Allah created something that He blew into us, and this rooh is form Allah subhanhu wa ta’ala. And Allah says: you will never know much about this rooh:

وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الرُّوحِ قُلِ الرُّوحُ مِنْ أَمْرِ رَبِّي وَمَا أُوتِيتُم مِّن الْعِلْمِ إِلاَّ قَلِيلاً

– “They ask you: what is the rooh?” – what is this thing? – “Say: the rooh is from the command of Allah and you don’t have any knowledge except a little bit about it” (17:85) –

You don’t have much knowledge. But we do know it is from Allah. So the question is, what will we nourish the rooh with? And when we answer this question, that is when we will answer “how to gain happiness.” How so? Because as we said, what makes us human, more than the jasad, is the rooh. What makes us truly human – the jasad comes and goes; the rooh will be eternal. The rooh will be, either in jahennam or in jennah, with the body, but the body is going to go through many phases. The rooh will not go through any phase. The rooh will always be the rooh.

So by feeding the rooh, we attain eternal life. And by neglecting the rooh, we suffocate the rooh. What is the rooh fed by? This is the question. The response: the rooh must be fed from substances that originate from its [own] origins, just like the body must be fed from substances that originated from where the body originated. Where did the rooh originate form? From Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.

Therefore, to feed the rooh, we need to sustain it via a connection with Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. We need a feeding tube, if you like, from all that relates to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.

Hence – how do we attain happiness? By feeding the rooh. How do we feed the rooh? By establishing a connection with Allah. How do we establish a connection with Allah? By doing what Allah wants us to do…

Fasting… praying… charity… thikr… every single act of worship that we do, it will feed the rooh; it makes the rooh grow stronger. It will make the rooh become more alive, and when the rooh is alive, even if the body is week – subhan Allah, even if the body is dead – when the rooh is alive, it will enjoy blessings from Allah in the hereafter. Even when the body is dead, because the rooh is alive, it will be happy.

But if the body is alive, and the rooh is not fed – if you don’t feed the rooh – no matter how “alive” your body is, your rooh will be dead. And if your rooh is dead, you don’t feel any purpose of living, you don’t have enjoyment of life. You don’t enjoy life because you don’t have a real rooh inside of you. You have a half-dead rooh, you have a rooh that is not alive, and that is why Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala calls the person who does not worship Him – He calls him dead:

أَوَ مَن كَانَ مَيْتًا فَأَحْيَيْنَاهُ

– “Give the example of the one who was dead” – Allah says – “and We gave him life” (6:122)-

The scholars of tafseer say: this verse applies to the one who was not worshipping Allah, and Allah called him dead. And then Allah says: “We gave him life” by bringing him into My worship, by bringing him into the sphere of connecting himself with Allah.

So the point is, this verse calls the person who does not worship Allah dead. Even though he is living – he’s walking on the face of this earth; but Allah calls him dead: “awamen kaana maytan.” Then Allah says: “fa ‘ahyaynaah” – “We gave him life” – by guiding him to Islam, We gave him life by giving him a reason to live, a reason to feel that happiness and joy.

Brothers and sisters, ultimate happiness, ultimate happiness comes from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. And in order to get that happiness, we need to establish a connection with Allah. Once we establish a connection with Allah, the world becomes secondary – what we have, alhamdulillah, what we don’t have, alhamdulillah!

The world does not become our ultimate goal. And when the world seizes to be our ultimate goal, then all of a sudden we are content with what we have. Our money, our wealth, our fame, our family, our health – everything: we have it, alhamdulillah, we thank Allah, we don’t, we are still thankful and our attitudes are optimistic and hoping for the best form Allah.

So the point being, when we correct our inner state, our rooh, the outer state becomes truly irrelevant. When we don’t correct our inner state, no matter how much we feed the outer state, the jasad, it will never be satisfied. No matter what we do with the jasad, the body, it will never be satisfied, it will always want more and more and more. But if we feed the rooh, then the body becomes content, and when it becomes content, then and only then is where we find ultimate happiness.

بارك الله لي و لكم في القرآن العظيم، و نفعني و إياكم بما فيه من الآيات و الذكر الحكيم. أقول ما تسمعون، و أستغفر الله العظيم لي و لكم و لسائر المؤمنين، إنه هو الغفور الرحيم.

[istighfaar…… followed by second khutbah:]

الحمد لله، الحمد الله الواحد الأحد، الفرض الصمد، الذي لم يلد و لم يولد و لم يكن له كفوا أحد… و بعد

What I have just said, brothers and sisters, is not something that I need to back up with Qur’an and Sunnah, even though it can be backed up with Qur’an an Sunnah. Because, as I said initially, this is something that we experiences in our lives. It is something that is a fact, that each and every one of us has tasted. We don’t need to prove it through external sources, because we are living proofs of it.

Let me ask you a question, and answer yourself in your own mind this: how do you feel on a day that you’ve read your five prayers? How do you feel on a day that you woke up for Fajr and you prayed Fajr at its proper time? How do you feel when you recite the Qur’an and you close that book and you put it back? How do you feel for the rest of the day? How do you feel after a Long day of fasting in Ramadan, and you break your iftaar, you’ve been tired physically – how do you feel inside? How do you feel after doing ‘umrah or hajj? How do you feel after giving charity to a poor person and nobody knows except Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, and you fed that person and you gave him money – how do you feel inside of you?

I ask you this question: this feeling of joy, of happiness, of fulfillment – can you purchase the feeling by all the money in the world? Can you buy it, can you go to the shop and say: Give me this inner happiness that one day’s fasting gave me! Give me this feeling that reading the Qur’an gave me. Can all the money in the world purchase that happiness inside of you? By Allah, You know the answer: no, it cannot.

You feel fulfilled and happy because of what you have done, because you established a connection with Allah, because Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has become a part of your life. Your goal, your ultimate destiny is to please Allah, and when it becomes to please Allah, you feel fulfilled. Why do you feel fulfilled? Because this is why Allah created you:

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُون

– “I have only created men and jinn to worship Me” (51:56) –

When you do what Allah wants you to do, of course you will feel fulfilled. Of course! Allah made you for this purpose. When you do it, you feel fulfilled because you are fulfilling your purpose of life!

But when you neglect Allah – when you neglect Allah, when you neglect the religion, when you neglect the spirituality, what happens? Wallahi, you can eat, you can feed yourself, you can follow every passion in the book – it would increase you nothing by disgust, nothing but feeling bad, nothing but regret, nothing but remorse. You can do each and every sin in the book, and yet at the end of all of that, you have not attained – forget happiness – you have attained ultimate sadness. You have wasted your life, you have neglected what Allah ‘azza wa jel has created you for, and you feel it in your heart.

And again, I ask you: when you commit a sin, that feeling that you get after committing that sin, that feeling of guilt, that feeling of distancing yourself from Allah, that you have done something that displeased Allah – can all the money in the world get rid of that feeling? Can all the money in the world get rid of that feeling that you have that you have gone against the purpose of creation?

No, it cannot.

So, my brothers and sisters, now my question now comes to myself and all of you: if this feeling is a feeling that we know from our lives, without even reading the Qur’an and Sunnah (I can quote you dozens of verses, dozens of ahadeeth, dozens of aathaar of the scholars of the past), but this is something I don’t need to do – why? Because I know it as well as you. You experience it, and I experience it, in our lives.

The question, then, becomes: if we experience it, if we know it, if this is a reality we have tasted and felt, we have smelt this reality, then why have we neglected it?

يَا أَيُّهَا الْإِنسَانُ مَا غَرَّكَ بِرَبِّكَ الْكَرِيمِ

– why are you so deceived about Allah SWT? [see ayah (82:6)] –

فَمَا لَهُمْ عَنِ التَّذْكِرَةِ مُعْرِضِينَ

– why do they turn away? [see ayah (74:49)] –

When you KNOW this reality, when you experience it, WHAT is the problem? You know it! Sins only increase your guilt, your feeling Displeasure. Worshipping Allah only increases you in happiness. What’s the problem? What’s the problem? Why don’t you turn to the worship of Allah, and diminish your sins? You’re never going to leave your sins, you’re not going to become an angel – diminish them. The goal is to fight against sins, to lower them, to minimize them. The goal is perfection, but you know you’re never going to become perfect. You’re always going to commit sins. Okay. Commit sins. Repent to Allah. Continue to establish [a] relationship with Allah. TRY your best to minimize the sins. Always attempt to become a better person. Establish the five prayers. Oh Muslims, what will make you understand the importance of the five prayers? Establish the five prayers. Fast the month of Ramadan. Give zakat. Do the bare minimum. And wallahi your life will change upside down.

Let me leave you with one challenge. One challenge, and challenge yourselves this. Challenge yourselves for one week. To be practicing Muslims. Five times a day prayer. And leave the major sins. One week, challenge yourselves this. You’re going to pray, five times a day, on the time. And leave the major sins.

After this one week, I challenge you. After you have tasted the sweetness of iman, I challenge you to go back to your old ways. You won’t be able to do it. After you have tasted how good it feels to worship Allah, you’re never going to go back to your old ways. You have to give yourself that encouragement – turn to Allah, make du’aa to Allah, and try your best, strive to be a better Muslim, and when you’ve started feeling the taste of that sweetness of iman, it will become more addictive to you than any other sweetness on this earth. And once you do that, it will become easier to go higher and higher and higher.

I conclude this khutbah by quoting a simple verse in the Qur’an that summarizes all of this, five words that summarize the entire khutbah. Allah SWT says:

أَلاَ بِذِكْرِ اللّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ

– “Know and realize that only through the remembrance of Allah – the worship of Allah – do the hearts achieve tranquility” (13:28) –

You’re not going to find tranquility through any other means.



Published in: on August 29, 2012 at 12:55 pm  Leave a Comment  

Is it an Obligation to Kill Bashar Al-Assad?

Egyptian Clerics Safwat Higazi and Muhamamd Abd Al-Maqsoud: It Is an Obligation to Kill Bashar Al-Assad 

Following are excerpts from an Al-Nahar TV debate by Egyptian clerics discussing the Syrian crisis, which aired on Al-February 16, 2012:


Egyptian cleric Safwat Higazi: After the last show, I got a call from a young Syrian man, who asked me to issue a fatwa on whether it was permitted to kill Bashar [Al-Assad], and – if it was feasible – whether they should kill him or not. To tell you the truth, I answered that it was permissible. If they are able to kill that tyrant, they should kill him. His killing is sanctioned.


Egyptian cleric Muhamamd Abd Al-Maqsoud: It is an obligation to kill him.


Safwat Higazi: You do not merely agree with me that it is permissible, but you are saying it’s an obligation…


Muhamamd Abd Al-Maqsoud: Absolutely. He must be killed.


That ruler is a tyrant. Unfortunately, a false religion is being presented to people today. This tyrant, who should be proclaimed an infidel and toppled, is presented by those people as a ruler who should be followed. This happens everywhere, including in Egypt. I believe that if this man is killed, things may be resolved, at least in part.


Safwat Higazi: This is a fatwa: This sinning tyrant, who has gone astray, should be killed.




Published in: on March 8, 2012 at 2:54 am  Leave a Comment  

The Spirit of Racism Has Spread Like a Germ in the Minds of Every Jew

Researcher of Zionism Tamer Mustafa Calls the Holocaust “Lies” and Says: The “Spirit of Racism” Has “Spread Like a Germ in the Minds of Every Jew” Over the Ages 


Following are excerpts from an interview with Tamer Mustafa, researcher of Zionism, which aired on Al-Manar TV on October 12, 2011:


Tamer Mustafa: Racism is deeply rooted in the souls of the followers of the Jewish religion, especially since their exile to Iraq, or Babylon, in 586 BCE. There they wrote a new Torah, completely different from the Torah received by Moses. Into this Torah they inserted the spirit of racism, which spread like a virus in the minds of every Jew ever since. Let me mention three books as examples. One of them is the Torah that exists today, which is known as the Old Testament, especially by our Christian brothers. After World War II, a British minister said that this Torah was the “most dangerous book on the face of this planet,” because it contains the loathsome virus of racism, which leads people to war.


The Zionist movement operated against the Jews living in European countries, in order to force them to immigrate to Palestine. This movement perpetrated many crimes, even helping the Nazis to kill groups of Jews, so that the others would be forced to emigrate to Palestine. That is what happened. Then they established schools, and raised their new generations according to this abhorrent racist notion.


When the Jews went to Europe, the first thing they did was to take over the media outlets there. They even took control of the curricula in Europe, or in the Christian West. They took control of the media, the curricula, and the capital. What is Man if not knowledge – in other words, schools – media, and money? These are the things that rule people. Whoever possesses these three things has the ability to control the behavior of others.


Once they had taken over these means, nobody had the courage to oppose them. They began to spread the ideology they wanted, and the first thing that they destroyed in Western man was the morality that he absorbed from the Christian religion. The Christians in the West – and I have the greatest respect for my Christian brothers in the East, who differ from them completely… This is Christianity, and that is an illusion of Christianity.


They demolished Christian moral values in the West, and the Westerners reached the point where they are interested in nothing but… And I say this with all frankness, because I used to live there… Like beasts, they care only about food, drink, and survival.


A Frenchman called Jacque Roques [sic] wrote a dissertation about the Holocaust…

Interviewer: Make it short…


Tamer Mustafa: He refuted all those lies, and got his Ph.D. from Sorbonne with distinction. However, the French minister of high education immediately received orders to revoke his Ph.D. Thus, Roques was denied his civil rights in his own country, France.



Published in: on February 4, 2012 at 8:13 am  Leave a Comment  

Issues Fatwa to Army to Kill Libyan Leader

Leading  Scholar Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi Issues Fatwa to Army to Kill Libyan Leader Mu’ammar Al-Qadhafi

 Following are excerpts from an address delivered by Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi, Chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, which aired on Al-Jazeera TV on February 21, 2011.

Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: The truth is that I do not want to say anything to Al-Qadhafi, because one should only address people who are reasonable. People who are not reasonable should not be addressed. That man is no longer reasonable. He has been crazy for a long time.

Among the signs of his madness, as we have seen, he wanted to be a philosopher, and come up with theories, like Marx and Mao Tsetung… He invented the Third Theory…

We have seen his peculiar behavior. He has become the laughing stock of every Arab summit. He’s the joker. He travels all over the world in his colorful clothes, carrying his tent with him all over the globe, no matter the cost, in which he hosts his visitors.

This is on top of the kind of life he imposed on Libyan society, where there is no parliament, no Shura Council, no political parties, no institutions… He himself embodies the institutions. He is everything and nothing. He says: “I am not a president.” So what are you?! He is everything.

If you are indeed [the father of] the people, where is your compassion for them? You claim to be a commander and a father, but does a father ever kill his children?! Does a commander ever kill his soldiers?! And in this manner!

We haven’t seen anyone… Even Israel, when it attacked Gaza… These Jews were described as cruel: “Then your hearts were hardened, and became as rocks, or even harder.” Even the Jews did not do such a thing.

This man is not even worthy of me addressing him. I thought that his son had a grain of sense or belief in him. He is called Seif Al-Islam [“Sword of Islam”), but he is one of the swords of pre-Islamic ignorance. He wants to pit the tribes against one another. Praise be to Allah, the tribes have thrown them into the garbage bin.

Therefore, I address the Libyan army, which is definitely endowed with faith, manliness, and honor. They must not attack their own people. Who would kill their own people?! Would you sacrifice an entire people for the sake of a madman?!

It is forbidden to obey the order of a human being in defiance of the Creator. If the army is ordered to attack the people with airplanes, I say that they must not do so. Rather, they should attack whoever gave them that order.

I hereby issue a fatwa to the officers and soldiers who can kill Mu’ammar Al-Qadhafi: Whoever among them can fire a bullet at him, thus relieving the country and the people of him, should do so. This man wants to annihilate the people, so I am protecting the people.

I rule that whoever can fire a bullet, and relieve us, as well as Libya and its great people, of this man’s evil and danger, should do so.



Published in: on February 3, 2012 at 2:52 am  Leave a Comment  

Islamic Law Should Be Implemented Gradually in Egypt

Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi Opinion:

Islamic Law Should Be Implemented Gradually in Egypt; There Should Be No Chopping Off of Hands in the First Five Years

Aired on Al-Nahar TV on January 26, 2012:

Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: I think [the shari’a] should be implemented gradually. This is a law of the shari’a and a law of nature.

We should do things gradually. We should prepare the people, teach them. People have to learn. We have to make an effort to teach people the truth about Islam.

People do not understand the shari’a properly. We have to teach people the laws of the shari’a and explain them, before anything else. I think that in the first five years, there should be no chopping off of hands. This period should be dedicated to teaching things.

A transitional phase… This should be a period in which we teach people the true laws of the shari’a. when we find food for all the hungry, schools for all the pupils, hospitals for all the sick, homes for all those who want them, wives for all the bachelors – then we can discuss the punishment for theft.

All the [presidential] candidates are good, but I support the candidacy of our brother Abd Al-Mun’im Abu Al-Futuh.



Published in: on February 2, 2012 at 11:33 am  Leave a Comment  

Powerful Reminder: Thinking Well of Allah

Translation by Ash-Shifaa


Sometimes, we wish for seems far away or were faced with what we fear

Only then the reality or the truth of being attached to Allah (SWT) is revealed

Some people leave off Du’a thinking that their requests will never be fulfilled

Or they leave off Du’a, thinking that their affliction or hardship will not be taken away

But who still keeps supplicating?

It’s the one who thinks well of Allah (SWT)

What does thinking well of Allah (SWT) mean?

It’s not what may be initially understood which is that Allah is Merciful and that is it!

This is not enough

Thinking well of Allah (SWT) is firstly know well that Allah is able to do all things

And then to know that Allah (SWT) is the most Merciful

So, first you have to know that Allah is able (to do all things)

Because during a hardship, anyone who sees you will have mercy on you

So the issue here is not mercy, the issue is that this person cannot help you or alleviate your affliction

The key to thinking well of Allah (SWT) is to know that nothing can stop Allah from doing what He wishes be it in this earth or the heavens!

For one to have this truth firm in his heart

This cannot be read in books or taught in universities nor is it given in lectures

This only comes from reciting the Qur’an

“Or like the one who passed by a town while it had tumbled over its roofs

He said “Oh how Allah ever bring it to life after it death

So Allah caused him to die for a hundred years, then raised him up (again). He said how long did you remain (dead)?

He the man said “(Perhaps) I remained (dead) a day or part of the day

He said “Nay, you have remained (dead) for a hundred years, look at your food and your drink”

They showed no change, and look at your donkey. And thus we have made you a sign for people.

And look at the bones [of this donkey] – how We bring them together and clothe them with flesh.”

And when this was clearly shown to him, he said, “I (now) know that Allah is able to do all things.” [2:259]

This is the greatest key to being a true slave of Allah

To know that Allah is able to do all things!

If this is certainly is firm in the heart

Who amongst the creation will you about worry asking or will you stand in front of to beg for his help?

There is nobody (who can help)

If you are sure and certain that only Allah (SWT) is able to do all things

Only then, when your wishes and aspirations seems far away and you are faced with problems

You will know that Allah is able to remove your afflictions

And complete his favor on you and bestow his blessings on you

Powerful Reminder: Thinking Well of Allah – مقطع مؤثر – حسن الظن بالله

Source from: ITubeUDecide

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คำตักเตือนอันทรงพลัง : การคิดใคร่ครวญต่ออัลลอฮฺที่ดี



ก็ต่อเมื่อความจริงหรือการผูกพันกับอัลลอฮฺ (ซุบฮานะฮูวะตะอาลา) ที่แท้จริงได้ปรากฏออกมาให้เห็นเท่านั้น

บางคนก็ล้มเลิกจากการขอดุอาอฺ เพราะคิดว่าคำวิงวอนขอของพวกเขาจะไม่มีโอกาสได้รับการตอบสนอง



เขาผู้นั้นคือคนที่สามารถคิดใคร่ครวญต่ออัลลอฮฺ (ซุบฮานะฮูวะตะอาลา) ได้ดี

อะไรคือการใคร่ครวญที่ดีต่ออัลลอฮฺ (ซุบฮานะฮูวะตะอาลา)?



การคิดคำนึงถึงอัลลอฮฺ (ซุบฮานะฮูวะตะอาลา) ที่ดีคือสิ่งแรกที่จะต้องรู้อย่างลึกซึ้งว่าอัลลอฮฺนั้นมีความสามารถที่จะบันดาลได้ในทุกๆสิ่ง

แล้วประการต่อมาคือจะต้องรู้ว่าอัลลอฮฺ (ซุบฮานะฮูวะตะอาลา) นั้นเป็นผู้ทรงเมตตาเสมอ

ดังนั้นสิ่งแรกที่คุณจะต้องรู้คืออัลลอฮฺนั้นมีความสามารถ (ที่จะทำได้ในทุกๆสิ่ง)


ด้วยประเด็น ณ ที่นี้มิใช่ว่าเมตตาหรือไม่เมตตา แต่ประเด็นก็คือว่าคนเหล่านั้นไม่สามารถจะช่วยเหลือคุณหรือบรรเทาความทุกข์ของคุณได้

กุญแจสำคัญในการคิดใคร่ครวญที่ดีต่ออัลลอฮฺ (ซุบฮานะฮูวะตะอาลา) คือการรู้ว่าไม่มีอะไรที่จะสามารถหยุดอัลลอฮฺจากการบันดาลในสิ่งที่พระองค์ทรงประสงค์ไม่ว่าจะเป็นในแผ่นดินนี้หรือชั้นฟ้าทั้งหลาย!




 “หรือเช่นเดียวกับคนผู้หนึ่ง (บางทรรศนะว่าเป็นอุซัยร์บุตรของชัรคิยา/บ้างว่าเป็นอิรมิยาจากลูกหลานนะบีฮารูน) ที่เดินทางผ่านไปตามเมืองหนึ่ง (บัยตุลมักดิส/บ้างว่าเป็นที่พำนักของบาดหลวงแห่งเฮราคลีโอส) ในขณะที่มันได้พังทับหลังคาของมัน (หลังคาพังหล่นลงมาก่อนและผนังก็พังลงบนหลังคาอีกทอดหนึ่ง)

เขาได้กล่าวว่า อัลลอฮฺจะทรงให้เมืองนี้มีชีวิตขึ้นได้อย่างไรหลังจากที่มันได้ตายพินาศไปแล้ว

แล้วอัลลอฮฺก็ทรงให้เขาตายเป็นเวลาร้อยปี ต่อมาพระองค์ได้ทรงให้เขาฟื้นคืนชีพ พระองค์รงกล่าวว่า เจ้าพัก (ตายในเมืองที่พังพินาศที่เขาผ่านไป) อยู่นานเท่าใด?

เขากล่าวว่า “ข้าพระองค์พักอยู่ (ตายไป) วันหนึ่งหรือเพียงบางส่วนของวันเท่านั้น”

พระองค์ทรงกล่าวว่า “หามิได้ เจ้าพัก (ตาย) อยู่นานถึงร้อยปี เจ้าจงมองดูอาหารของเจ้าและเครื่องดื่มของเจ้า”

อาหารมันยังไม่บูดเลย (เพื่อให้ประจักษ์ถึงเดชานุภาพของอัลลอฮฺที่ทรงรักษาสภาพไว้) และจงมองดูลาของเจ้าสิ (คือเหลือแต่กระดูกเพราะได้ตายไปเป็นเวลาถึงร้อยปี) และเพื่อเราจะให้เจ้าเป็นสัญญาณหนึ่งสำหรับมนุษย์ (ให้มนุษย์ได้ประจักษ์ถึงเดชานุภาพของพระองค์ในการที่จะให้มนุษย์ฟื้นคืนชีพในวันกิยามะฮฺ)

และจงมองบรรดากระดูกเหล่านั้น (กระดูก ของลาที่เขาขี่เป็นพาหนะ) ดูว่าเรากำลังยกมันไว้ ณ ที่ของมัน และประกอบมันขึ้น แล้วให้มีเนื้อหุ้มห่อมันไว้อย่างไร? (ขณะที่ชายผู้นั้นมองกระดูกอยู่นั้น อัลลอฮฺก็ทรงให้กระดูกเหล่านั้นประกอบกันขึ้นเป็นโครงร่างของลาแล้วให้เนื้อหนังห่อหุ้มกระดูกและมีชีวิตขึ้นดังเดิม)

 ครั้นเมื่อสิ่งเหล่านั้นได้ประจักษ์แก่เขา เขาก็กล่าวว่า ข้าพระองค์รู้แล้วว่า แท้จริงอัลลอฮฺนั้นทรงเดชานุภาพเหนือทุกสิ่งทุกอย่าง”





ในท่ามกลางสิ่งที่ถูกสร้าง (มัคลูก) ด้วยกันใครกันคือผู้ที่คุณต้องการจะร้องขอหรือคุณจะไปยืนอยู่ต่อหน้าเขาเพื่อขอความช่วยเหลือ?

ไม่มีใครเลย (ที่สามารถจะช่วยได้)

ถ้าคุณเชื่อมั่นแน่นอนว่าเฉพาะอัลลอฮฺ (ซุบฮานะฮูวะตะอาลา) เท่านั้นที่สามารถที่จะบังเกิดในทุกสิ่งทุกอย่างได้




Published in: on December 29, 2011 at 5:58 pm  Leave a Comment